Archive for July, 2009

Telework Day – Aug. 3rd

The Next Generation Advisory Committee (NGAC) is working to raise awareness of Governor Tim Kaine’s announcement of the Statewide Telework Day to be held on Monday, August 3. NGAC is supporting Langley’s senior management by conducting research to determine the effectiveness and productivity of those who participated. Conversely, the NGAC will also analyze the lack of participation and the reactions of employees about teleworking. Please look for our advertisements on @LaRC this week about how you can potentially assist the committee in their efforts to learn more about the attitudes and flexibility surrounding this new shift.

If possible, please consider taking this opportunity to telework. More information about Statewide Telework Day is posted below.

Thank you!

Next Generation Advisory Committee

Continue reading ‘Telework Day – Aug. 3rd’

Langley NextGen Retreat Follow Up

Hello Next Geners!

As many of you know, we recently held a retreat to establish the foundation for our group and came up with what we think are some really exciting ideas to propel us into the future. The first thing we should share is the vision statement:

The NGAC will leverage its intellectual and social resources to solidify NASA’s position as the premier innovative work environment, ensure NASA’s relevancy in a changing socio-political environment, and advance NASA’s goals into the 21st century and beyond.

Continue reading ‘Langley NextGen Retreat Follow Up’


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